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It's about achieving that perfect balance.
Our philosophy is that brokers should be treated as your extended sales force, making motivation, education, and excitement over your product by far the most effective means of achieving results. Closely managing your brokers, with finesse, is a MUST to beat your objectives. Relationships and execution at store level are as important, if not more so, than activity at headquarters, making time spent with broker reps in the field your best investment. In addition to generating sales, a well-managed, enthusiastic broker should be expected to provide an open, clear channel of communication with your buyer.
Is it the broker... or is it me?
You may have wondered this at 3:00 am. Making a broker change is a big decision, and can come back to bite you if not handled well. We've worked with, and have evaluated scores of brokers across the country and have a pretty good sense as to the capabilities of many. We can help evaluate your current broker's performance and can work with you to facilitate a change if needed. Sometimes all a broker needs to turn things around is clearer direction and closer management.
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.”
-Pearl Buck
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